Book Character

we had this

The Billie B Brown is the who went to Be A  Ballerina it was her Dream is to Be A Ballerina and Billie B Brown was  clothing  she was clothing wearing the white t-shirt and with the B on ti on the white t-shirt and tutu tutu with the white t-shirt and the  you need to shorts Under my tutu tutu  Billie B Brown  live in molbourne  and  Billie B Brown was  7 years old  is is the Butterfly girl it was and the

illustrator was  Aki Fukuoka  and the next one  it was By Sally Rippin the cool Aki Fukuoka

  • We put water in the cup


  • Then we added the shaving cream in the cup.

  • Next we put 5  Drops of food colouring in the cup

  • We watched the drops come through the cream


So how does the system work?


Experiment part water molecules were heated

Don’t like to Be Together  like condensation 

Like the Heated  was going  up the heated 

Warming Up Cooling Down

        The 5 main points 

  the main character was The little girl  went to go to  the  The football day On Saturday But  the   Football  and at home with the  little  girl  she was so sat to going to the  day today   Because    it was her Football day  on Saturday.  and

on Saturday morning it was Football day But the  Football  day But she not go to the Football. day Because the little  girl

was so sat  to not go the football  day  the little girl  was staying home  she not going  in the Raining outslides she went to go to the

football.  game

we learned   important  about ANZAC we are feel grate grateful for all the soldier who went to keep us safe to help us to away from ww1 to help to learn  to  remember us who  was so sad because  25 of April 1915 ww1 was so new new zealand 7119 the  soldier  in New Zealand was the Best place to live in the New Zealand because the soldier was trying ther Best and and Best to remember  the soldier  and we learned When did we first celebrate ANZAC Day  Did we First Celebrate in ANZAC day 25 April 1916  ans we learned  to remember  the Soldier  who  you can be to remember.


ANZAC it mean Australian and new Zealand Army corp
The Date was the ANZAC was on the 25 of April
ANZAC is celebrated on 25 of April.
Did we First Celebrate in ANZAC day 25 April 1916
ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corp . …
The Anzacs were all volunteers, there was no conscription. …
Two-up is a traditional gambling game only allowed to be played on Anzac day through pubs and clubs in Australia. …
There is no town called Gallipoli.
Gallipoli is not a town. …
Anzac biscuits were square. …
Aboriginal Australians were not allowed to enlist in WW1. …
Alec Campbell was the last surviving Anzac. …
All Anzacs were volunteers. …
The word “Anzac” is protected. …
Origin of Anzac acronym
the ANZAC was the 25 Aprl 1916 the ANZAC was the ww1 war for ANZAC
The ANZAC was the ww1 for the ANZAC in the 1916 to in the war there was the war to team to make the War

Kiwi can

Kiwi can is the Best to help us because we learned to do same Taiwan is the 23.57 million people in Taiwan and we learned what is Positive Relationships is about to How we can
be great leaders too and mongolia 3.398 million people in mongolia in china 1.5 million people with all India 1.417 billion and Kiwi can help us because they to help to get the Kiwi can and Kiwi Can says Leadership is hard to do, but if we try we can be great leaders too. I like Kiwi can is the help to use are important to do same Conflict Resolution is what we need to solve our problems properly because we can Solve our problems because we are Senior because we are old a all the time because the Senior they are called the Senior School fo edmund hilliary school and we are learning to understand how to be a Great leader and develop ositive Relationships and I like the noodle tag because we share is creale learn about what do you do in the game what did you do in the game was so share to halp to play the game to share the noodle tag.

Samara and the Tiger

The Tiger was looking at her and she saw the mountain and the cave was so all the way and the cave was so broken. and Daik in the cave and the tiger is shining the gerli to find the she is so mining to in the cave and I am the

Samara and and the tiger name is santier the cave make a saads to in the cave why did the Tiger was to look for the girl was to stick to the cave and the tiger was looking for the she was waiting for the Tiger went to the cave for the Tiger

Was going to help the she is the tiger was helping to get her out of the cave for her to get out of the cave for her to have same fun to came out of the cave for the Air to help the tiger est to help the Tiger

Bike Safety Check shanah

This week we was on the Bike we need same Check and. we have same rules the rules are  no jandals you need  shoes  ayou and

aif you not have shoes for you ca:t go to the Boke and the Rules are Jandals and

you need same Check the Check is the A-air you af the air is Lis and af it is had

B-Breaks. af you  going to fas sow Daene for you pat

C-chain.  you chech the Chain for you yigit good

D-Direction the Lesson L Direction Lif af not Have L Rat

and the helmet save for you


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